
We’ve Got Your Back

Packages to support the performance and longevity of your website.


Starting at $200/mo

A watchful eye on your site every month with solid support options to get your questions answered.

Member-only Project Rate ($75/HOUR SAVINGS!)

Standard Maintenance

Analytics (Free Initial Report)

Uptime Monitoring

Email Support

Phone Support

Domain Monitoring

Weekly Security Scan & Review

Core & Plugin Updates (Monthly)


Starting at $500/mo

Focused monthly attention on your site’s health and performance with priority maintenance support.

Member-only Project Rate

Priority Maintenance

Analytics Dashboard

Uptime Monitoring

Email Support

Phone Support

Domain Monitoring

Weekly Security Scan & Review

Core & Plugin Updates (Monthly)

Broken-Link & Search Console Monitoring

Server Error Log Monitoring


Starting at $1000/mo

VIP support & maintenance and expert insight to help you make better digital marketing decisions.

Member-only Project Rate

Premium Maintenance

Analytics Reporting

Uptime Monitoring (Immediate resolution)

Priority Email Support

Priority Phone Support

Domain Monitoring

Security Scans & Enhanced Threat Mitigation

Core & Plugin Updates (Bi-Weekly)

Broken-Link & Search Console Fixes

Server Error Log Fixes

Page Speed Monitoring

Technical Audit (Yearly)

SEO Recommendations

How Maintenance Works

To file a maintenance request, simply notify Escape Hatch of the required changes by 6 PM on Thursday and the update will be completed by end-of-day the following Tuesday. Requests will be handled on a first-come first-serve basis. If a requested update must be completed ahead of the next maintenance day, a 50% rush fee will be added to the request.

Priority Maintenance updates are completed on Tuesdays or Fridays, whichever is closer to the date of request. If updates are needed faster, rush fees apply.

Premium Maintenance requests are fulfilled within 24 hours and rush fees are waived.


Build Your Own Plan

Talk with Us

Get the exact level of support you need to maintain, update, and grow your business.

Fixed design hours, social & ad campaign reporting, ongoing strategy consultation, SEO content development, fixed development hours, font licensing, managed hosting, and more.